My picks from

I've been waiting around for a local Etsy (where naturally, mothers' crochet would reign) but unfortunately have yet to come across one. MySOUK is the closest it gets.

I suppose we're starting to get used to the idea of ordering home. I want to, but I still can't figure out how I'd write my home address and who'd receive my package on my part. Until then, I'll have to stick to (eek) going out and buying my shenanigans.

MySOUK is pretty awesome actually, and the best part is that almost everything is Lebanese, from the website to the artists.

Here are my top picks:

art factum gallery
Mother, is a half-baked Betty Crocker allowed on a $1500 cake stand?
Hard-cut brass, French oak and maple by Art Factum Gallery.

joumana dagher
This reminds me of my teta's teacups and that makes me happy. $75 by Joumana Dagher.

sumi furniture
If I collected stamps, I'd scout down and organize them on this wooden handpainted stool.
$70 by Sumi Furnitures.
design house cassette
I've spent intimate moments with my Backstreet Boys cassette so this hits a weak spot. Plus, look at that wood. Lovely, oh-so-lovely.
$2,500 by Design House.

And of course you saw these two coming. I loved them once, and I'll love them again:

nader dagher art 7ake
By Art7ake.
Read my interview with the artist: Who's Behind Art7ake?
kashida bookshelf
By Kashida.
Read my interview with the founders: Furnish Your Home With Arabic

Happy shopping! Remember, if the prices are too steep - you can always opt for Ali Express. Pay on delivery, 100% top-notch Chinese quality assured.


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